Plants, the world’s main source of food, are affected

by a number of pests and competition from weeds.

Devastation of crops may be caused by insects, nema-

todes, viruses, bacteria, mycoplasma-like organisms,

fungi, algae, and parasitic higher plants. Therefore,

pesticides play a major role in agriculture, helping

to ensure adequate yields of food crops. However,

they must be used efficiently so that they are both

economically viable and environmentally benign (1). Depending on the target pest, pesticides can be

classified as insecticides, fungicides, nematicides, mol-

luscicides, bactericides, and herbicides. The World

Health Organization (WHO) recommends classifying

pesticides by hazard into five classes on the basis of

LD50 values for rat namely: extremely hazardous (Ia),

highly hazardous (Ib), moderately hazardous (II),

slightly hazardous (III); and unlikely to present

hazard in normal use (IIIþ). Insecticides and rodenticides belong to groups Ia, Ib, and II; on the other

hand, most fungicides fall into groups II, III, and IIIþ, and most herbicides belong to class IIIþ (2). In addition, pesticides can be classified chemically on

the basis of functional groups in their molecular

structure (e.g., inorganic, organochlorines, organo-

phosphates, carbamates, triazine herbicides) (3). One important aspect of pesticide safety is the

potential presence of residues of these chemicals and

their metabolites in food treated with pesticides at

some stage during growth or production. This has

promoted the adoption of regulations and conduct of

analyses of pesticide residues since World War II. This chapter examines various aspects of the

physical and chemical properties, toxicology, and

regulations of carbamate pesticides in food, with an

emphasis on existing analytical methodologies and

techniques (sample preparation, chromatography, and

recent determination methods included).