The Ecole Polytechnique is one of the most prestigious French Grandes Ecoles for science and engineering. Founded in 1794, it was then militarized in 1804 by Napoléon I, who used it as a recruitment pool to lead his armies. These days, the Ecole Polytechnique is still managed by the Defense ministry. Incentives induced by decision mechanisms like the magouilleuse or the two-round uninominal voting system are the objects of study of the theory of mechanism design. The Holy Grail of this theory is to determine interaction rules between agents. That incentivize them to reveal their true preferences and that lead to relatively desirable outcomes. There is a last variant of Split or Steal that will allow us to explore other subtleties in agent interactions. The combination of game theory and subjective probabilities of Bayesian philosophy constitutes a powerful arsenal to tackle complex decision problems under uncertainty.