Linear programming is one of the most important methods of mathematical programming and most applied in practical life to ensure optimal use of limited resources. Such examples include the optimal mix of the products produced by a particular plant to achieve the maximum profit according to the available labors and raw materials. Also, moving certain products from production areas to consumption centers so that each consumer center satisfies its demand at the lowest possible cost.

This chapter is organized as follows. The first section discusses the form of a linear programming problem. The second and third sections discuss the solutions of linear programming problems using the built-in functions in MATLAB® and Python. Section 4 uses the Python pulp package for solving linear programming problems. The package Pyomo is another Python package for solving linear programming problems, and is discussed in Section 5. Section 6 uses the gekko Python package for solving linear programming problems. Section 7 is devoted to solving quadratic programming problems using many MATLAB and Python packages.