Erythema multiforme involving the mouth presents with multiple irregular erosions on the buccal mucosa. Extensive involvement of the mouth, lips, conjunctiva and genitalia is called Stevens-Johnson syndrome. Most primary infections with the herpes simplex virus occur in early childhood and are asymptomatic with only a few vesicles/erosions on the hard palate or buccal mucosa. Deep groves in the tongue may be a congenital abnormality or seen together with facial nerve palsy and swelling of the lips in the Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome. Allergic contact dermatitis on the ears presents with an acute eczema. If there are extensive skin lesions as well as extensive mucosal involvement, the patient may need nursing in a burns unit where there are facilities to prevent ulceration of the skin. Aphthous ulcers may rarely be associated with Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis or coeliac disease.