The renal system bears a maximum brunt of the onslaught of the disease process of pre-eclampsia. While the central nervous system is protected the most, kidneys seem to be least prioritised of the body protective systems. In pre-eclampsia, the entire competence of the renal system gets challenged. The physiological increase in blood volume in normal pregnancy is either annulled or constricted in pre-eclampsia. Accidental haemorrhage is the commonest complication of pre-eclampsia. Renal failure is a dreaded occurrence in accidental haemorrhage. The renal failure in accidental haemorrhage complicating pre-eclampsia is more a result of tubular necrosis and less of cortical necrosis. Pathological changes in the renal system can occur in pre-eclampsia and its complication of accidental haemorrhage, in a big way. In the former, the changes are the result of vasospasm and in the latter because of acute blood loss.