This chapter denotes the importance of considering installation effects in numerical simulations to determine the pile capacity. Moreover, it shows the capability of the used numerical scheme to simulate the installation process of jacked piles in sand. Numerical simulations are presented for modelling the installation process of jacked displacement piles in sand using Anura3D and the hypoplastic (HP) model of Von Wolffersdorff. The HP constitutive model in the formulation of Von Wolffersdorff is chosen as it is incorporating dilation, contraction and the dependence of stiffness on stress and density. Centrifuge tests showed that very high stresses can occur at the pile tip during the installation process. The velocities used in the numerical analyses are higher than the values used in the centrifuge test to optimise the calculation time. The numerical simulation results of the installation phase are compared with the experimental results of the centrifuge test.