Material Point Method is a continuum mechanics methods for which all materials require a mathematical idealisation of the development of stresses and strains. This mathematical idealisation is known as the constitutive model. Cam-Clay is a simple model initially developed for normally consolidated and lightly overconsolidated clays. Two versions of Cam-Clay exist – Original Cam-Clay and Modified Cam-Clay. Triaxial tests can also be run in undrained conditions. The water is relatively incompressible and hence the sample volume is kept constant throughout the test during shearing. Nor-Sand is a simple elastic-plastic model for sand. The chapter illustrates the predicted behaviour with Mohr-Coulomb Strain Softening and the progressive change between the peak state and the residual state. Although MCSS is better suited for large deformation simulations than MC, it is still not compliant with the critical state theory as the void ratio does not necessarily reach its critical state value.