This chapter presents a brief list of significant actions that students should take to reasonably defend themselves in the digital world. Sixty per cent of college students in Silicon Valley, California, self-evaluate their knowledge of cybersecurity as “good” to “very good,” while 25% have “no knowledge of cybersecurity” and 15% are neutral. In addition to a hard-to-guess access key, students could configure a shorter amount of time of inactivity before the device is locked out. Students, like any other users, should create hard-to-guess usernames or passwords. Hard-to-guess passwords should be used not only for bank accounts but also for all sites, including social networking sites where students have important profile information. Protecting the identity of a student from identity thefts is extremely important. The college students, to get access to the Internet when living in the apartments or even in some housing facilities purchase, subscribe to an Internet service provider.