144 Chapter 7 presents a multi-objective decision making framework to deal with a large number of objectives efficiently and to select the best single optimum inspection and monitoring plan for practical applications. In this framework, there are two decision alternatives: decision making before and after solving multi-objective life-cycle optimization (MOLCO). The decision making before solving MOLCO results in a single optimum inspection and monitoring plan by integrating multiobjectives into a single objective. This integration requires estimating the weights of the objectives using a subjective weight determination method (e.g., ranking, rating and paired comparison methods). The decision making after MOLCO is based on the Pareto optimal solutions obtained from MOLCO. With the Pareto solution set, essential and redundant objectives are identified to improve the efficiency of the decision making. The weight factors of the essential objectives are computed using an objective weight determination method. Multiple attribute decision making (MADM) results in the best optimum inspection and monitoring plan.