Shirts and blouses, backpacks, bras, and sports protective wearables are worn on the upper torso/arms, covering all or sections of the body between the neck and pelvis with or without coverage for all or a portion of the arm. Although the anatomical term arm refers to the upper limb between the shoulder and the elbow, unless otherwise noted, we adopt the common meaning for “arm” as the entire upper limb, incorporating the anatomical arm and the forearm (between elbow and wrist).

Basic anatomy of the upper torso and arms

Terminology: Thorax, abdomen, pectoral girdle, arm, axial skeleton, appendicular skeleton

Vital organs, systems: Heart, lungs, digestive (stomach, liver, parts of small and large intestine), lymphatic (lymph collectors, lymph nodes, spleen), nervous system (spinal cord, nerves)

Bony structures for protection and mobility: Rib cage, thoracic and lumbar spine, and spinal relationships—cervical/thoracic/lumbar/sacral/coccygeal

Muscles, ligaments, joints, posture

Spine, rib cage, shoulder, and arm motion

Breasts: Distinguishing female anatomical feature

Wearable product challenges for the torso and arms

Coverage allowing movement, e.g. athletic and leisure wear,

Protecting, monitoring, and controlling upper torso structures and functions, e.g. baseball chest protectors, heart monitors

Aesthetics with function, e.g. fashion bras, nursing bras, mastectomy bras, sport bras, body shapers

Accommodating motion and gender in fit and sizing