Roots of the purple-fleshed sweet potato were employed for preparation of three unique beverages, i.e., anthocyanin rich wine, herbal purple sweet potato wine, and anthocyanin rich beer. The common yeast strain, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, maintained on Potato Dextrose Agar slants at 4°C, is frequently applied in preparation of alcoholic beverages in our laboratory. Sweet potato is rich in starch content; hence saccharification by enzymatic treatment is an essential step for preparation of purple sweet potato wine. Healthy fresh purple sweet potato roots were obtained and properly cleaned under running tap water to rinse out the soil adhered to it and then wiped dry by using a dirt free fabric. The organoleptic scores of the various parameters of both purple sweet potato wine and reference wine were subjected to independent ‘t’ test for determination of the mean differences of the aforementioned parameters.