In 1995, for the first time, Zolynski and coworkers implanted orthopedic screws, coated with nanocrystelline diamond film (NCD) to a patient with a complex fracture of femoral bone. The chemical modification and physical absorption of diamond surface hold promises for diamond to be applied in immobilization of protein and DNA for purification, separation, and further analysis. Rubio-Retama studied the NCD electrodes immobilized with horseradish peroxidase (HRP), which reacts with H2O2 through reduction/oxidation reaction, and found that using the modified electrode for hydrogen peroxide determination shows a linear response in the 0.1–45 mM H2O2 range. Using the same immobilization method as Yang, HRP was immobilized to the NCD electrode surface. Diamond has superior physical properties such as high hardness, high wear and corrosion resistance, unique optical properties, chemical inertness, good biocompatibility. Diamond also can be chemically functionalized. A. P. Puzyr’ and cowoekers designed a luminescent biochip with nanodiamonds and bacterial luciferase.