In examining the Cause, Effect, and Control of Accidental Loss sequence (CECAL), once an injury occurs as a result of an exchange of energy, the degree of injury is largely dependent on Luck Factor 3. All loss-causation events follow the CECAL pattern but their progress through the loss-causation model is channeled either by Luck Factor 1, Luck Factor 2 or Luck Factor 3. From the unsafe act or unsafe condition, Luck Factor 1 determines whether there is going to be an exchange of damaging energy. Once there is an exchange of damaging energy, Luck Factor 2 determines whether that energy will cause a business interruption, property damage, or personal injury/illness, or a combination of two or all three. Tarrants is once again emphasizing that the injury and severity are fickle measures of performance because of the chance outcomes as depicted by Luck Factor 3.