Engineering discipline is a vast area that offers unlimited specialization. Civil engineering is an engineering specialty and is considered to be the original one among all branches of engineering. The Institution of Civil Engineers, UK, in its royal charter has defined Civil Engineering as “the art of directing the great sources of power in nature for use and convenience of the man.” It includes planning, design, erection as well as repairs of the built structures like bridges, buildings, roads, dams, canals, railways, reservoirs, towers, spillways, and chimneys. Civil engineering has always played a vital role in human life. This chapter explains the branches of Civil Engineering. The branches include structural engineering, environmental engineering, transportation engineering, earthquake engineering, materials engineering, coastal engineering and so on. Civil engineering plays a vital role in our day-to-day life. In various fields like agriculture, housing, industry, transport, power, irrigation, health, or education, construction programs are interlinked in large measures in all sectors.