The computer program performs both at-site and regional analysis of data. Regional analysis is performed by using the index-flood method. Regional parameter estimates are based on the average of at–site moments for the case of method of moments and probability weighted moments. The computer program consists of more than 120 MATLAB® M–files. These include input and output routines, graph routines, parameter estimation routines, quantile estimation routines, and standard error routines in addition to testing routines. The program produces parameter estimates, quantile and standard error estimates in addition to probability plots and moment ratio diagrams. The main program is freq.m, which calls three different programs according to the user’s choice. These are freqpwm.m, freqmlk.m, freqmom.m, pwmom.m, avrgpwm.m, lmratios.m, poolobs.m are then used for computing at-site and regional moments.