The purpose of kinematic analysis is to determine the kind of plane system: stable, unstable, or instantaneously unstable. After making a conclusion about the system type, it may be necessary to accomplish additional kinematic analysis to suggest additional constraints which make the system stable or to remove redundant constraints and attain static determinacy of the system. Objects of Structural Mechanics are constructions which represent assembly of constructive elements such as bars, shells, plates, and massive bodies, connected with each other in a single entity. Engineering investigation of a construction is pursued on the basis of its design model. The constructions and their design models differ in the elements composing them. Internally instantaneously unstable systems are systems of solid bodies connected with each other, where the infinitesimal relative displacements of bodies are possible without their deformation. Internally geometrically unstable systems are systems of solid bodies connected with each other, where the finite relative displacements of bodies are possible without their deformation.