Mononuclear cell subpopulations either from peripheral blood or lymphoid organs can be characterized based upon the cell surface antigens. Fluorescent monoclonal antibodies directed against specific cell surface antigens allow for the identification of the various subpopulations of mononuclear cells using flow cytometry. Evaluation of subpopulations is useful to determine standards and help isolate pathological conditions such as cancers or immunodeficiency (see Figure 14.1). Scattergram of human peripheral blood. Scattergram of lysed peripheral blood. Cells are displayed according to their size (FSC; <italic>x</italic> axis) and complexity (SSC; <italic>y</italic> axis). Three populations are easily identified based on their physical properties. The lymphocytes represent an homogeneous population with a low complexity. The monocytes are larger in size and are more complex while the granulocytes are clearly more complex or granular. https://s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-public-p.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9780429156977/936bbeac-659b-4503-8a0d-08a54ad61dfe/content/fig14_1.tif"/>