The procedure is done with the animal either heavily sedated or anesthetized at the end of a thoracotomy. Chest tubes are placed in animals that would benefit from interpleural anesthesia following surgery. An intravenous catheter or Touhy needle is then used for interpleural catheter placement. Following skin penetration with the needle, the stylet is removed and the needle filled with sterile saline until a hanging drop is seen on the hub of the needle. Prior to injection of local anesthetic, the catheter should be aspirated for air or blood. Then the analgesic solution is injected and the catheter cleared with 1.0 to 2.0 ml of air or saline solution, closed to room air, and secured to the thoracic wall. Intraperitoneal/incisional infusion is commonly performed under anesthesia at the end ot an abdominal surgery. During recovery, the animal can be placed in sternal recumbency for approximately 10 minutes to allow the local anesthetic to make contact with the incision site.