Modern power systems made up of four distinct sections: generation, transmission, power distribution and end-users. Electric grids comprise all power plants, transmission and power distribution infrastructures, designed, managed and operated to bring electricity in the most efficient, reliable and cost-effective mode. Power systems are one of the complex technical systems in the human history, with its main function to deliver electricity to users through complex and sophisticated power transmission and distribution networks. Today, grid modernization attempts to accommodate more complex power flows, serve enhanced reliability needs, increased demands for better services, power quality, supply security or faster system restauration. Advanced models and concepts, developed, implemented and tested to meet the energy demand projections are leading to incorporate intelligence, smart control or advanced communication for power flow control, monitoring, operation and management. Smart grids represent a potential revolution on how to produce, transmit, convert and use power, representing a paradigm shift. The overall chapter objectives are to provide the students and interested readers with the essential knowledge of power systems, electric grid main components and related technologies. Another important objective is to present how major power system components operate, or are evaluated and selected for specific applications and what are their main characteristics and performances. A section is dedicated to brief presentation of power system evolution toward smart grid, drivers, issues and challenges.