In addition, they are commonly associated with extra-articular features including skin rashes and inflammatory eye disease. Rheumatoid arthritis, the commonest cause of inflammatory joint disease, affects about 3% of the population, women three times more often than men. Early on, X-rays show only the features of synovitis; soft-tissue swelling and periarticular osteoporosis. Tendo Achillis tenderness and plantar fasciitis are common, and the patient may complain of backache even in the early stage. Systemic lupus erythematosus is the best known systemic connective-tissue disease. Progressive joint deformity is unusual and the arthritis can almost always be controlled by NSAIDs, physiotherapy and intermittent splintage. In mild cases, treatment can be limited to keeping up muscle tone and general fitness, perhaps together with injections into the painful areas simply to reduce the level of discomfort. Patients with more persistent and more disturbing symptoms may benefit from various types of psychotherapy.