Evaporation of water is a critical environment process.

Evaporation is the physical process of converting liquid

water into vapor and the release of large amounts of energy

during this conversion process. The cooling that results

from the energy released during evaporation benefits ani-

mals, humans, and plants. As an example, in humans when

the air is humid and the evaporation process is slowed we

feel uncomfortable because of this lack of cooling. This

release of energy provides a benefit that includes maintain-

ing temperatures within critical limits for optimum physio-

logical function. The application of the evaporation

process to plants and plant communities has some added

dimensions compared with that to animals or humans.

Plants have roots that extend into the soil and extract

water from deeper regions of the soil profile. This water

is transported through the vascular tissue contained in

roots, stems, and leaves and is released to the atmosphere

through stomata. These stomata serve as the sites for the

evaporation process to occur within the leaf with water

moving through the stomata into the atmosphere. This

special process of evaporation from plants is referred to

as transpiration.