Material and energy balances imply stoichiometry,

which is the science concerned with the quantitative com-

position of chemical compounds and conversion in chemi-

cal reactions. It is one of the fundamentals of reaction

engineering together with thermodynamics and kinetics.

Stoichiometric calculations require knowledge of the

mechanisms and the balance of major compounds.

Normally, it could be applied to all compounds. But gen-

erally for conservating properties, only macrobalances are

used. Indeed it is difficult to apply it to fermentation as

several hundred components are involved in the whole

metabolism (Figs. 2 and 3). But specific microbalances

can be used. The main problem in applying stoichiometry

to fermentation arises from the complex network of meta-

bolism. Due to high complexity, the approach is made

simpler by using the concept of yield. But this macroscopic

variable cannot be considered as a biological constant.