Vacuum frying is defined as the deep-fat frying process that

is carried out under pressures well below atmospheric levels,

preferably below 50 torr (6.65 kPa). Due to the pressure

lowering, the boiling points of the oil and the moisture in

the foods are lowered. Vacuum frying possesses several

advantages that include: 1) water in the fried product can

be rapidly removed; 2) natural color and flavors of the

product can be preserved due to the low temperature and

oxygen content during the process, and 3) it has less

adverse effects on oil quality. Several companies in Asia

have developed vacuum frying systems for the processing

of fruits (apple pineapple, grapes, banana, guava, mango,

peach, etc.) and vegetables (sweet potato, potato, pumpkin,

carrots, etc.) into chips as well as marine products such

as vacuum-fried fish and shellfish (e.g., octopus, cattle

fish, etc.).