Thus, a plot of natural logarithm of population size against

time should yield a straight line, the slope of which should

equal k.

Eqs. 2 and 3 predict that growth will continue indefi-

nitely. However, growth results in the consumption of nutri-

ents and excretion of products from microbial metabolism.

Thus, after a certain time in a batch reactor (fermentor), the

growth rate decreases until population growth ceases alto-

gether. The growth curve becomes flat, indicating a station-

ary phase that is often followed by a decline indicating a

“death” phase (not shown). This may be due to depletion of

some essential nutrient in the medium (substrate limitation)

and/or accumulation of some autotoxic metabolic product in

the medium (toxin limitation). It is common to relate sub-

strate depletion to population growth through a stoichio-

metric relationship or yield constant: