It is estimated that 76 million cases of food borne diseases

occur each year in the United States resulting in 325,000

hospitalizations and 5000 deaths, while the cost associated

to food-borne diseases, medical expenses, and productivity

losses in the United States is in the order of $6.6-37.1

billion.[5] To be able to manufacture safe food different

concepts have been used during the last decades. The

Codex Alimentarius Commission has proposed to use risk

analysis as the tool to quantify and manage food safety.[3]

The different components of risk analysis according to

Codex Alimentarius are shown in Fig. 1. Although the

above components must be kept distinct, exchange

of information, indicated by the intersecting circles of

Fig. 1, is essential (a good discussion of the framework of

risk assessment as well as various aspects of quantitative

risk assessment can be found at https://www.who.int/
