Modified atmosphere packaging is a relatively new term

referring to a series of technologies intended to prolong the

quality retention of foods, beverages, and other contained

products. Coined about 20 years ago, the term derived from

the original “controlled atmosphere” preservation to dif-

ferentiate it from methods developed to extend shelf life of

fresh produce in distribution environments as the latter

employed mechanical and chemical procedures to literally

control the temperature and gaseous environment of the

product. Because gas-permeable plastic package materials

are always used to contain respiring food or food contain-

ing respiring microorganisms in modified atmosphere

packaging, total control was lost and thus the descriptor,

“modified,” to convey the notion of dynamic change. Some

professionals included vacuum packaging of respiring

foods or foods containing viable microorganisms such as

primal cuts of fresh red meat within the modified atmo-

sphere term because, despite original reduced oxygen,

biological action by the food continued to alter the internal

package environment. One area generally not encom-

passed by modified atmosphere packaging is reduced oxy-

gen in foods and other products that are biologically (but

not biochemically) inert such as instant coffee or canned
