Gravitational sedimentors are used to separate solids from

a liquid fraction by settling the solids through the liquid

under gravity. Similarly, centrifugal separators separate

solids from liquids using centrifugal force. The best exam-

ple of a sedimentation centrifuge is the nozzle discharge

centrifuge. When the liquid fed to a disk or tubular cen-

trifuge contains some amount of solids, it results in inter-

mittent stoppages to remove the solids. In such cases the

nozzle discharge centrifuge is used. The working of this

centrifuge is similar to a disk centrifuge, except for a set of

nozzles provided in the walls of the vessel through which

the solids are thrown out because of the larger centrifugal

force that it experiences. In a nozzle discharge centrifuge, a

considerable amount of the liquid is also discharged along

with the solids. In such cases the slurry removed from the

nozzles may be recycled or wash liquid may be provided.

The nozzle discharge is used in the oil and starch indus-

tries. In the dairy and oil industries, an intermittent dis-

charge of solids is accomplished with a periodic opening of

the bowl itself.[5,6]