Spray drying is by definition the transformation of a feed of

liquid or paste material (solution, dispersion, or paste) into

a dried particulate powder by spraying the feed into a hot

drying medium.[1,2] Spray drying can form a powdered

spherical product directly from a solution or dispersion.

The main advantages of spray drying over other drying

methods are rapid drying and minimal temperature

increase of the material. Every spray dryer consists of a

feed pump, an atomizer, an air heater, an air dispenser, a

drying chamber, and systems for exhaust air cleaning and

powder recovery, as shown in Fig. 1. There are large

variations in size, in detailed designs, including combina-

tions with other types of dryers and in the modes of opera-

tion depending on the large variety of materials to be

processed and product properties desired. Further, modern

spray drying systems are highly automated.