In this chapter, a typical innovation and product development process is described, highlighting the complexity of the process and the requirements for launch. Some of the challenges that are frequently met by innovators are then discussed: regulatory variations, the difficulties of launching completely new materials and structures, and penetration and market differentiation in markets that are quite mature and saturated. Aside from needing to demonstrate a technical or clinical performance advantage, the softer and human aspects of wound dressings now also need to be taken into consideration, to provide more useability benefits, i.e., how new dressings can facilitate the tasks of the healthcare professional. New development techniques such as incorporating the science of human factors, and voice of the customer or other market research tools are discussed in the context of developing dressings that provide added benefits to clinical effectiveness. Similarly, it is important to consider the innovation culture, tools and systems in place and strategies of a business in order to be successful in the innovation and development of new wound dressings. How innovation is managed would eventually shape the future of a business and of the wound care market.