This chapter comes with a software framework written in Python language. The authors called it Didactic tomogrAPHic recoNstruction framEwork (DAPHNE), with the specific goal to let the user perform simple experiments with the most common reconstruction algorithms for Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and Computed Tomography (CT). The reconstruction algorithms and other helper classes are implemented in the Algorithms package. The Geometry package contains all the functions required to generate and handle CT and PET experimental setups. In order to be able to reconstruct images, the user must define the image modality used, i.e., CT or PET, the Target Region (TR), i.e., the portion of space to be reconstructed, and the position of detector pixels and radiation sources. Python provides a module that allows the user to serialize and de-serialize objects: the pickle. In DAPHNE you can access pickle serialization through the Pickle and Unpickle utilities, that are included in the Misc package.