The scientific evidences available suggest that the earth first appeared as an entity 4.6 billion years ago. From hydrogen and helium evolved the other elements, then simple inorganic chemical compounds, progressing to relatively insoluble oxides, sulfides, and silicates. Magnesium participated early on in evolution in the development of the crust of the earth, primarily as silicate compounds. There is some evidence that domestic animals grazing on grass grown in magnesium- deficient soil develop clinical manifestations of magnesium deficiency. Magnesium deficiency can now be produced consistently in experimental animals. Depending upon the degree and the duration of the deficiency, pregnant animals will abort or produce offspring with congenital abnormalities and disturbances of protein metabolism and synthetic processes. Human epidemiologic studies suggest a relationship between a subclinical deficiency of magnesium and disorders of pregnancy. Of greater clinical significance is the suggestion that large populations of people are dependent on an adequate intake of magnesium in drinking water to maintain health.