By Pamela Walshe, Vice President, People & Client Experience, AnswerLab

Job Seekers: Each of the chapters through this point has been directed primarily to you. Now, as you’ll see, we’re about to address your present or future employers. You may be saying to yourself, “Oh—looks like I should move on and skip this chapter.” However, consider reading it to gain some insights and find out what employers are planning and thinking about when considering your employment—or at least what they should be thinking about.

Employers: While you may have noticed this chapter upon picking up the book, don’t consider only reading this one chapter. While this chapter distills some critical points that you should consider when employing user experience (UX) professionals, and frames those points largely for you, the earlier chapters leading up to this point, as well as the chapters that follow, also supply you with critical knowledge that you need to understand UX professionals.