The existence of a factual data bank with in vitro toxicity data allows the development of analogy models based on mathematical patterns constructed with in vitro toxicity data and chemicophysical data related to different classes of chemical molecules. The development of a database of toxicity testing results obtained from studies based on alternative methodologies could be useful in providing information to be used in the preparation of the dossier of finished products, especially for the section dealing with safety evaluation. Cosmetic ingredients as defined in Council Directive 76/768/EEC1 are chemical substances or preparations of both synthetic and natural origin used in the composition of cosmetic finished products. The core inventory requested by the Sixth Amendment and prepared for the European Inventory includes approximately 7000 individual substances, whereas Council Directive 76/768/EEC1 includes 412 substances that must not be used in finished products and 303 substances that are used in finished products under some restrictions.