Mosquitoes vary as much in space as in time. The first computer-generated maps of A. gambiae s.l. and A. funestus density were produced using light-trap data from Namawala. The techniques were much the same as those still used today, but each iteration took several hours to complete instead of the minutes that it would take today. Densities were also restricted to information from houses. Highest densities occur close to the edge of villages, as was observed in the village of Massavasse in Mozambique. Massavasse is a 1 × 2 km village in the middle of an irrigation project where rice is the main crop. There are a number of different water bodies in and around the village that provide suitable habitat for a variety of mosquito species. The mosquitoes in Massavasse were also most common towards the edge of the village both in light-trap collections and tent-traps.