Concrete-mixture proportioning seems a daunting task to many because the labyrinthian concepts of proportioning, mathematical steps, and many other things that make it look unfathomable for a novice and extraneous or trivial to those who proportion concrete based on a gut feeling. Moreover concrete is the most complex material that can be made by humans, and each input variable, be it material properties or external factors, have a resounding correlation with the property of concrete. Concrete has been studied over the years w.r.t various variables for strength workability etc., and these studies form guidelines to formulate the mix-proportioning procedure. One who has delved into concrete understands very well that there is no single perfect or best method for proportioning concrete. Hence, it becomes imperative to understand the reasons as to why certain standards have different procedures for mix proportioning, which definitely provides a better perspective in understanding concrete, resolving problems, and troubleshooting the issues in concrete. This chapter discusses in detail, to the best possible extent, the concepts and whys of proportioning, which will make it easy for the reader to learn any methodology of mix proportioning discussed in this book or elsewhere.

Which value or parameter of concrete proportion has the highest effect on strength of the concrete?

What is the primary objective of aggregate in concrete?

How does the ratio between cement content and water cement affect the durability of concrete?

Which factors affect the workability of concrete?

Is it possible to get a high-density concrete from normal-weight aggregates?

What need to be done to convert a nonpumpable mix to a pumpable mix?