Plants take up water through their roots and lose it through pores on the leaves called stomata in the process of transpiration. Stomata open and close in response to turgor pressure in the two guard cells that form the stomata. Evapotranspiration (ET) is the combined loss of soil water from loss through evaporation and plant loss through leaves. Xeric environments are arid environments. Water-wise gardening incorporates several principles of design to minimize water use. A method of water-wise gardening is known as xeriscaping. A circle defined by the outer branches of a tree is its dripline.

Gray water is non-toilet wastewater that was previously used for washing activities.

Water that contains fecal matter and urine is black water and must be avoided for landscape or other purposes without adequate treatment. Effluent irrigation uses gray water from sewage treatment plants. This is common practice in the southwestern United States on golf courses.