This chapter examines the applications of modular approach in the following sectors of coal industry: coal mining operation, coal preparation plants, direct coal liquefaction, coal gasification, CO2 removal and other unit operations, coal power plants, integrated gasification combined cycle operations, and high-efficiency low-emission coal power plant technologies. Modular is the pioneer and industry leader in modular fleet management technology in mining. Modular provides software applications and hardware products designed to enhance mining operations’ productivity and equipment availability/utilization. A modular solar farm is more costly up front, but very inexpensive over the long term. With energy being one of the major mining costs, this has a big impact on the industry’s viability.” Coal preparation plants generally use gravity process equipment to separate the refuse from the product. Department of Energy has initiated significant efforts to develop modular coal gasification processes and associated unit operations. The heat pump is driven by a simple steam turbine with an overall cycle efficiency of 33.2%.