The idea of Sudden Life could be tested by collecting a significant number of samples from the primitive crust, and checking if the rocks which preceeded the oldest fossilized cells have any trace of prebiological activity. Sudden Life, in one form or another, has been the only solution to the problem of the Origins that the human mind had conceived throughout history, up to the end of the 19th century. Giordano Bruno gave a cosmic dimension to life before the theory of evolution was even conceived, and such a dimension has been there all the time, with or without Panspermia. Cosmic Panspermia can be tested and is therefore a genuine scientific hypothesis. If Cosmic Panspermia is true, the surface of Mars should be literally littered with genes, viruses and bacteria. Some say that Cosmic as well as Planetary Panspermia can be written off already, because no form of life can survive a direct prolonged exposure to cosmic radiation.