This introduction presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book introduces the existing studies of surge-only overflow and overtopping as the background of combined wave and surge overtopping research. It discusses the three levee-strengthening systems and their engineering properties. The book introduces test sections constructions, instrumentation, testing procedures, and initial data analysis of large-scale wave flume test. It also introduces the sampling and erosion function apparatus tests of HPTRM-strengthened levee after large-scale wave flume test. The book presents the combined wave and surge overtopping process and the calculation method of relevant hydraulic parameters through the analysis of large-scale flume test data. It analyzes the equivalence between surge-only overflow and combined wave and surge overtopping. The book also presents a three-dimensional hydrodynamic and sediment transport model, ECOMSED, to simulate overtopping hydrodynamic flow, turbulent shear stress, turbulent kinetic energy, and erosion rate at the toe of landward-side slope under combined overtopping condition.