Full-scale flume tests were designed following two main research objectives: determining the hydraulic and erosion characteristics of levees under combined wave and surge overtopping. This chapter describes a physical model study of a full-scale (1:1) model of levee overtopping by combined wave and surge overtopping. It includes the construction, instrumentation, testing procedures, and initial data analysis of the test sections. The chapter discusses the scale effect and measurement effect of the model. The full-scale physical testing was conducted in the Large Wave Flume (LWF) of the O. H. Hinsdale Wave Research Laboratory (HWRL) at Oregon State University. The flume is the largest of its kind in North America. The levee embankment was set up as a full-scale (1:1) model. The embankment consists of a crest, water-side slope, and landward-side slope, with dimensions of 26.13 m long × 3.25 m high × 3.66 m wide. The water-side slope has a 1V:4.25H slope, and the landward-side slope has a 1V:3H slope.