This chapter provides the technological capabilities and particular drawbacks of the process in terms of the Incremental Sheet Forming (ISF) parameters. The workpiece parameters are divided into two categories as material parameters and geometrical parameters. For instance, with a thicker workpiece sheet a larger forming depth of the components can be produced keeping all other parameters constant. The requirements of the forming machinery and forming-tools are also directly related to the process parameters of this die-less process. Some researchers studied the effects of the constant Z-level tool-path (profile tool-path) and helical tool-path and found that the helical tool-path formed the target geometry successfully, whereas the constant Z-level tool-path resulted in cracking of the sheet before obtaining the target depth. The chapter elaborates various tool-path strategies have been with their potential uses that would help the researchers and readers to understand the state-of-the-art techniques of performing the ISF process.