The benefits of fallow have been known since ancient times. Fallowing has been practiced for thousands of years. In what is Iraq, the ancient Sumerians, one of the world's oldest civilizations, practiced fallowing for cereal fields. Fallowing is often more effective in reducing pathogen populations in combination with crop rotations. J. Palti notes that there are several types of fallowing found in agriculture: dry fallowing, wet fallowing and flood fallowing. Fallowing is a highly effective cultural practice for managing many pathogens, especially soilborne fungi and nematodes. Long fallow periods were abandoned in many areas of Peru, and serious losses due to the potato cyst nematodes have occurred in Peru ever since their abandonment. An Andean fallow/rotation system, originating with ancient Indian practices, effectively manages the potato cyst nematodes of Peru. Fallowing is generally more effective for disease management in combination with crop rotation.