This chapter starts with the history of R software development. Steps to install R are discussed. It provides about the installation of different packages in R.Graphical representation by R will help many users to get interested in a graphical illustration. Steps to install R studio. Description of OpenBUGS software and illustration to perform Markov Chain Monte Carlo in OpenBUGS. Introduction about Bayesian using Gibbs sampling accessible. Different types of Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) approaches are outlined. OpenBUGS model explanation, trace plot generation, data loading and posterior estimates generation are described. The real-world examples are used to illustrate the methods presented. It should provide some familiarity about the R process and essentially environment on what actually works. R software works as the integration of data calculation, graphical procedure, and data manipulation. Command to work with R is presented. This chapter did not explain about statistics in R. The aim is to provide R and OpenBUGS environment. It is preferred to show the environment to work with the classical and modern statistical test to implement. Illustrations are presented by the workstations with windows system. It will guide the users about the available facility.