This chapter is specifically focused on the overriding question: ‘Why is ethics so important to society?’. As context, it will attempt to define what ethics are but, in this pursuit, will articulate the ongoing dilemma of the different definitions of ethics. Such differentiation could pose a problem in the quest to understand and interpret what constitute ethics and ethical practices. The chapter will also delve into the area of why ethics are important and will discuss the goals and benefits for individuals, organisations and society at large of ethical principles and values. In this regard, examples of unethical practices in the construction industry specifically will be discussed and the consequential effects and fall-out from these in terms of reputational damage and loss of public trust. Finally, the important issue of how to recognise unethical practices and dilemmas about what is right and wrong and how to address such adversities will be explored. This is designed with the intention of changing cultures, addressing existing bad practices and improving working practices, especially in the construction industry.