Representing, respectively, the regime’s official journalism organization and its foremost guardian of the official ideology, Ernesto Vera and Gerardo Casanova’s joint appearance indicates the close relationship that exists between the two organisms. Speaking at the meeting, Rosa Elena Simeon affirmed the vital role of the social sciences “since their principal objective is the problems of man, who constitutes the decisive factor in reaching socialism". Simeon’s statement is in keeping with expected ideological phrasing but it also reflects issues that are lately of concern to the regime. The Minister of Education also referred to correlative efforts to improve teaching personnel and evaluation methods; reduce teachers’ “bureaucratic burdens”; and concentrate on “political-ideological work, whose goal is to fortify the personal attitude of each worker in the tasks that correspond to him". To counteract disconformity probably bred of disillusionment with the Revolution and the official belief system, the regime is demanding “increased political-ideological work".