The term cognitive means capable of being reduced to empirical factual knowledge. This statement itself states the reduction of believing only in facts as per the surroundings. The actual meaning of the term cognitive merely depends upon its participating agent. The cognitive term is used in various science fields—cognitive psychology, cognitive therapy, cognitive development, and cognitive impairment. The power of sensing and reacting in internet of thing (IoT) restricts it from learning and remembering. Though, IoT devices reduce human efforts to some extent, due to the limited scale and features of IoT, as it is human coded, cognitive technology took devices to the next level. The cognitive system requires many elements to gather information. The various sources for gathering information are such as sensor data, structured or unstructured data and many more. Cloud technology is not a new technology in the eye of scientists. Time-sharing system tore off with the mainframe systems, which was expensive and difficult to install.