In the early spring, Crawfish Frogs leave their primary burrows to breed in fishless seasonal wetlands and semi-permanent wetlands. Demonstrating the value of burrows in reverse, Jen showed that Crawfish Frogs migrating to and from breeding wetlands were 12 times more likely to be preyed upon than frogs in burrows. Breeding must be exhausting for Crawfish Frogs. Before breeding, Crawfish Frogs overwinter at the base of their burrows. In the spring, once the frost has left the soil, Crawfish Frogs emerge from their burrows to feed on early-season invertebrates. The breeding strategy of Crawfish Frog males is best summarized as an “early and often” approach; for females, it is “choose well, dump, and run”. When Jen inserted burrow scopes down occupied burrows in the dead of winter, she saw awake, alert, attentive Crawfish Frogs looking up at her from the chamber at the base.