The last chapter of many books about climate change and energy often lists actions that we can take to save the planet. Chapter 8, the last chapter of Engineering Transition: Building a Sustainable Future, reviews its main points: that the actions we can take are not different from the problems and what we must do is change what is causing the problems. The chapter presents a mega-shift project to trigger the energy transition. The final story told in Chapter 8 of the book is the story of Cassandra of Troy, who tried to warn about the Trojan Horse but failed. This story can be compared to the present day, in which we understand the problem of giving warnings that are not understood or not heeded, and the reasons why this might happen. But we can change our perspective and see that there is an alternative approach, from an alternative perspective, that is, transition engineering. We can use Cassandra’s story and apply it to transition engineering to see how transition engineering can prevent what is preventable.