In this Study, readers learn how to animate numerical methods for solving problems on a computer. The methods of step-by-step tracing of the process of numerical solution of problems on a computer and the visualization of the results are shown. Living names of methods for solving problems on a computer are discussed.

Mathematics: Cartesian coordinates, triangle, inscribed circle, properties of the bisectors of the triangle, Pythagoras theorem, Heron’s theorem, triangle area, system of equations, equation of a straight line on the plane, level curves (contour lines) of a function of two variables, Bernoulli lemniscate.

Physics: The Coriolis force, water swirling.

IT: Tracing of the intermediate data of numerical methods for solving equations, symbolic mathematics, animation, simplex method, “Two steps” method, pretest cycle, loop with parameter, conditional operator.

Art: Cinema.

Study website: https://community.ptc.com/t5/PTC-Mathcad/Study-13/m-p/483810" xmlns:xlink="https://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">https://community.ptc.com/t5/PTC-Mathcad/Study-13/m-p/483810.