Proteomic and systems biology approaches to biomarker discovery reduce the candidate markers to a manageable size for further analysis. The ultimate objective is to then develop a point-of-care handheld diagnostic device for use on the field, in theater, or in the emergency room. Biomarkers may also be artifacts or imaging indicators related to injury or disease. They should be readily validated via fMRI or CT diagnostics and present within 24?hours subsequent to the trauma. Such theranostics will provide reliable prediction and efficacy of therapeutic opportunities. A practicable implementation would be suitable for POC field injury diagnostic instrumentation as well as relate directly to field testing metrics for helmets and body armor. Biomarker research has advanced rapidly with development of reliable polypeptide ionization processes and bioinformatics. Neuronal dysfunction may be characterized via differential protein signatures, and hundreds of biomarker candidates for mild traumatic brain injury have been identified.